
9/??/01 site uploaded, all flash, hehehe

9/18/01 added this updates page, thought it would be useful, not much is new, I'm giving up on the flash, the home page will still be flash, but the pics is going to HTML, maybe I will learn Java/Java Script, probably not I'm gonna try to update this site often but don't count on it. There will be alot at first, just while I Fill it up with content till it's an actual site, after that only after launches and other stuff, usually fall and spring, summer is to hot and humid(fuel is hydroscopic) well winter is winter.

9/26/01 I updated the pictures page, while there are no new pictures it is now in html, I figured it would be better to the surfer although not as cool, I plan on getting up the how to section, or it might just be a description of my engines. I also changed the color of this page

9/27/01 Today I made the main page html, it isn't done yet, but done enough. I just wanted to do that before heading on to give the page a uniformed look. I also put up the 'us' section and the 'safety section' this thing is finally coming together, sort of. More should be here soon.

9/28/01 Today I put the Links section up, there are 7 or so links as of now with more to come when I find some worthy enough. I also checked some spelling on the other pages (not this one obviously) I also put I counter on the front page, it's a really crappy one but it took all of 3 seconds to make.

9/30/01 I added a projects page, doesn't have much yet. I put a trebuchet page in the project page, more to come soon.

10/??/01 I updated the trebuchet page, it contains the results of our competition. I also put some pics of it up

11/15/01 Today I added the first of the rocket pages.. Hopefully more to come.

1/3/02 Happy New Year everybody. Nothing new, just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten about my site. I just haven't had anything to do lately, it's been 5 degrees out the past few days. Check back in a few week, somethign should be up by then.

12/9/02 Well I hasn't been a full year yet... but I was busy working over the summer and I'm currently in college and thats been really busy. But I've joined the Society of Automoive Engineers and am currently working on the Mini Baja event. But christmas break is coming up next week and I have some big plans. Not that that matter, nobody ever visits this page, but if you do, check back in a few weeks, if you do, I might have done somthing neat. Later...
